Bellevue 425-454-1283 · Lynnwood 425-672-2646 · Issaquah 425-392-0450 · Tacoma 253-328-4014
Bellevue Rare Coins and Angel Designs have teamed up with 106.1 KISS for Bender’s One Big KISS fundraiser to aide Seattle Children’s Hospital in their fight to help children in need.
Angel Designs and Bellevue Rare Coins knew they wanted to make a donation that would have a significant impact in any way possible but they weren’t quite sure how to do so right out the gate. After a few brainstorming sessions, the teams were able to draw up the original ideas for the 12th Ring, complete with the ability to appeal to both men and women. However, they did not want to stop there and thus the pendant and earrings were added to the mix, completing the collection now available.
Each item features white diamonds securely set in white gold, arranged in a beautifully crafted “12” design fit for any man or woman. The 12th Ring slogan, “Look Good, Feel Great and Support a Wonderful Cause”, will without a doubt ring true for the Fifteenth Annual One Big KISS fundraiser.
What could have been an ordinary, run of the mill, monetary contribution turned into a beautiful collection of fine jewelry which any super fan will be more than happy to sport! Not only will the wearer be supporting a team they love but they can do so with a greater sense of pride knowing that they are helping to save a life and while spreading the message of hope to any inquiring about their new sparkler.